About the Author

Kristin Fry is a speaker, host, and writer on topics of faith, leadership, and emotional health. She has been in leadership in large churches and organizations for the past fifteen years, including North Point Ministries in Atlanta, Ga. and Cross Point, in Nashville, Tenn. Previously, Fry was a staff member at Biola University working in leadership development, and a teaching pastor to young adults in Boulder, Colorado. She has a Masters in Theology from Talbot School of Theology and is a Doctoral Candidate at Dallas Theological Seminary.

Fry has been speaking to and writing for people of all ages and stages of life for nearly two decades. She has a particular soft spot for 20- and 30-somethings. She is a contributing writer to several leadership online publications and has written leadership development resources for North Point Ministries, The reThink Group and more. She has been regularly hosting a singles environment reaching 2000 single men and women weekly at North Point Ministries for the past five years. For more information, visit kristinfry.com.